samedi 10 janvier 2009


I probably just had the weirdest dream in the history of weird dreams.

It was gory. It probably has to do with me watching hannibal before I went to sleep, but it wasn't anything like hannibal.

So the farthest back l can remember is being at a shopping center with my family. I told them I had been here with frances before, and I ate at a raelly good restaurant, but I can't remember where it was. We then walked around and they were wondering why I can't find it and I said that frances and I didn't really wander around here. So we walked up the street and finally found it. It was named "George Lucas' Hangar" and had a head of a giant plane hanging out. I'm sure George Lucas is a real person, and I apologize. So then we walked up the rusty bridge, it was was a weird rusty, flexible rope-ish bridge. I was creeped out 'cause I'm generally afraid of rope bridges. So for some reason, in the rest of the dream, I forgot that this was a restaurant. Anyway, I then was volunteered by my on family go go up a tight, sloped, rusty vent. I felt weird, like I couldn't breathe. The next thing was that I came to a dead end and had to turn, which I remember thinking was "not like last time". This I already have a similar dream? It was a weird feeling, like I knew I was dreaming, but I also didn't.
So I then turned and I came out to this water filled hallway. Weirdly enough, I also knew what was going to happen, due to a previous similar experience. I quickly told everyone to scramble for the nearest ledge to sit on. With me, as far as I can identify, was the character "Alex" from "Degrassi: The Next Generation" (don't ask, I don't watch the show regularly, I just know from a few episodes and a previous wiki stalking), two other women, one man, and the last man I distinctly identified to be the guy starring in an upcoming new movie, called "Taken". I distinctly remember reading about the movie on wiki, too. The water drained, and nothing happened, and I told them, this was really unusual. Then, as we ewre inspecting the floor and the drain that the water had gone into, there was a dog barking outside the locked door (I'm guessing bones, my dog, was barking and whining) and I felt compelled to let it in, just like everyone else did. The guy guarding the door was adamant about not letting it in, though, and he was paranoid, like most people in horror movies are. Finally, he caved and opened the door and let the dog in, only I got a creepy feeling from the dog, I think I was scared and paranoid, too. It was quiet. So then the guy got even more creeped out, and angry at the celebrity guy (from Taken, remember?) and threw him outside. I got really scared and i told him that was bad, and before the door guy would think about it, the other guy was screaming his head off, and soon his twisted and naked body was somehow transported back on our side of the door. Then the other guy opened the door again to throw the dog out (STUPID, WHY OPEN THE DOOR?) and the poor dog wandered outside the door for a bit, quiet and with its tail tucked in, before it was also mangled outside the door.
In a flash, my dream suddenly turned into this weird news interview. A reporter with a bunch of crew members were talking to this one person, until some black shadow creeped up behind the interviewee to start eating his flesh. He kept talking, though, as if nothing had happened, as his skull became exposed. It then flashed back to a house-like setting and I was suddenly with my family again. i was REALLY scared, but went outside to find my family plugging in the holes in a brick wall where there was some really crappy laying. You know, the filling between the brick?, there were HOLES. WHY? Anyway, I was running around frantically, into a weird, small bathroom with a window, thinking "omg, is it gonna come into the window?" and such, and went back to my parents and the wall. I asked them why it wasn't just gonna go over the wall, and they kept insisting to me that it wouldn't. I was frustrated but rushed them to go back inside from the courtyard, and come fix the window. They came and my dad pluggued the window somehow, and closed the curtains around the window (as if that was gonna do anything). I was shocked by how strange they were being, and so I went down the hall to where, as I remember in the dream, the dog died. I saw the water room to my right and went in and locked the door. I saw my sister and Jason sleeping in the room and closed it to lock. Bones was also there. I then heard my parents and was tempted to open the door for them. I contemplated, and I hugged Jason for a bit, and then...I don't remember opening the door, but I do remember some weird thing happening. So my dream brain (the one overlooking all of my dreams as if it's an amused audience) filled me in on the fact that I'd been taken over (there wasn't a voice or anything, I just "realized" in a quick flash where none of the dream was going on. I went back into my dream, into the water room after that "flash" and I saw that bones was bloody, and mangled while my sister was bloody, pale and deranged looking. She then told me she was dying, but in a voice unlike her own, and she said that Jason was too. She said I killed bones, and she might as well kill Jason. I was horrified, and I just looked at her with a shocked/scared expression as she killed Jason. The last "scene" I remember is of another news reporter asking this man (who had just discovered some weird jungle thing or whatever and was swimming in what seemed to be a swamp) about his recent excavations until a black shadow swam up to him from below in the water and just you skin off face while he was still talking--skull exposed but he wasn't aware. The reporter screamed, I heard a dog barking, and I woke up scared...but also realizing that bones was barking from the kitchen, and my house was REALLY loud for some reason.

That was possibly the WORST dream I've ever had.