mardi 6 septembre 2011

Letter 4

You could come over and we could have Deja Vu.

Let's go back. I know it's been a minute, but I could do it better than I did when I did it.

But no. Waiting is for fools who think what they had was real. Memories are barely real. We have no evidence they exist any longer in the world except for what we conjure up when thinking of them. These conjured images are easily altered and easily faked by our own mind to suit our fancy. Are they real? Were you real?

3 commentaires:

ComplexCo a dit…
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ComplexCo a dit…

you shouldn't tie yourself down to memories that only sink you further every time you bring them up, i know its bullshit to live and let live, so live and let die, I've been reading this for years, if its the same person you're talking about then don't you think you deserve better. yeah, ok, easier said than done, that's the part that makes us a little masochistic, we stick around even tho we know better. so what now, sink further or find a way out ? i know i'm not a perfect example of that, god knows, i stuck around for years at a time, i felt full of holes at times. i guess i'm just saying, i wish you a better time of things (pardon the spelling, @work)

firewater a dit…

It's weird and hard to explain. I've moved on with my life, in terms of having different activities and being surrounded by people who help me think about other things or having work to occupy my mind. And then when I'm just by myself, I find my mind just wander over to these great memories and then I start wondering why they all turned to shit. I'm sure you know what I mean. We all have those moments sometimes.

Then we live in the same city and go to the same school....and I see her occasionally even though this university is huge. We have mutual friends that tell me sometimes that she still asks about what I'm doing. And I wonder really why she always makes me want to come back to it.