samedi 18 décembre 2010


I am simply bursting out of my physical shell. I'm not sure from what....but I am sure I can't contain it any longer.

Maybe it's fat.


No...I'm joking. I suppose I was wondering if there is such a thing as "the true love"

Through a conversation I had two days ago, I was asked (since I was talking about experiencing this feeling of complete...knowledge) how I knew of that knowledge. I...I'm not sure how I knew. I wasn't even sure I knew for the longest time, really. I would like to think that I'm more sensible than that. That I won't be one of those "I saw and I just knew" people. I suppose I'm not sensible. I suppose I'm simply...weak. For now I can't be sure unless I hold on to that feeling, that knowledge...and just go with it. Hold onto it really tight and go with it. That's what I'm doing. Sometimes I feel it letting go of me for one reason or another. Sometimes I'm not really the greatest of persons and it's letting go as if it's telling me I should be better. Or perhaps it's the other way around and I'm simply telling it to hold on so I can see if I can dissuade myself. Either way, I hope that at the end I will be able to say that this was the one.

Meanwhile, I could probably describe to you that first feeling. Perhaps I'm romanticizing a bit, so bear with me, but it simply just dawned on me like a flash of light. It was so instantaneous and so revealing. I didn't know what to do afterwards but try to hold onto it for longer and longer. It's been a little over 4 years and I suppose I'm still trying. It all started with a handshake and it took me by complete surprise. So I suppose to answer that question from two days ago: I speak of it as if I know because I DO know.

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