vendredi 28 septembre 2007

first post in a while

So I'll start with the most recent first; it makes me annoyed to see that there were heavy bags under my mom's eyes. Hmm...she's been working and not getting enough sleep, I bet. Grr....crazy woman. Anyway, on the ride home, she told me that she got a bonus from one of her clients *me suspiciously looking at her* and that she's thinking that she'll just buy me the camera as a really early graduation gift. Then she said that I can keep my money for the miniterm trip, which she'll pay for as well. I was struck dumb. Seriously. I was speechless, but then I told her that it's all well and good, but I"ll only take some of it and pay for half of my camera. I was originally going to spend all my money on the camera body while she pays for the lens, but now I can keep some leftover to continue saving up. I also told her I've decided that I won't go on the miniterm trip because that would mean that she'll spend a lot of money on me this year. She asked me why I won't go if I really wanted it. I told her that I think I can go any time in the future, so I don't have to go now. I'd rather spend time with Frances during miniterm, since she's not going anywhere. If she decides to go to Japan or something, then I'll go to Frances with Qin, but if she's staying back then I'd rather stay with her. However, she'll never know that.

So going back to was uneventful, and filled with me sleeping and doing anat phys hw. However, I remembered that she had a Stats test today, and since I remembered that she didn't have a lab after lunch (which was wrong) I thought I'd go run down to Broad St. and get her the caramel italian soda that she wanted yesterday. I did, but I had to be careful because walking off campus by myself without signing out might get me a level II if I got caught. Also, I had to hurry because I had to finish my anat phys hw. Well, I got back, and went to her hall, where I found out that she did indeed have a lab, and I remembered that she has a class after that as well. Soo....I know the drink was going to melt and dilute. *sigh* Stupid Ha Thien...

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