jeudi 12 avril 2007

the overwhelming guilt

So my mom had a prior arrangement at 9:00 am. Of course, we never leave Jenny home alone, so my mom couldn't bring her, and my mom also couldn't just leave her there. Concord is only about 5 minutes away from our house, and my dad could've gone home, knowing that she had a prior arrangement at that time. He could've gone hom and picked up Jenny, but he didn't. He let my mom miss her appointment, and have to reschedule for a later time. I...can't believe he didn't go back. Let's give him the benefit of the doubt and suppose he didn't know, my mom still could've told him, and reminded him. It's a simple request. She didn't. Either way, it means that they're not willing to be peaceful. I can't believe that I knew about it, and I just assumed that he'd go back to get Jenny so my mom can go. I can't believe I placed my trust on them to fix it themselves. I disappoint myself right now. I feel like a failure, gah!!!

I cannot believe that I just...I mean, it takes one simple sentence for me to tell my dad to go back to pick my sister up. I mean, it's one simple sentence. I would've taken 5 minutes, and I could've handled myself, it wasn't that. It was that he simply didn't go back, and if I told him to, he would've. Q@$^W$%YWerka;lsdfjhga;kjsa;wo4gtyhalskghaljreha;lksejfhalskdfegbhalebalksjdfhalkwjreghas;whrq3io4w;hgaslkjdhta;owurhgasljkngdbhARJHGAKSDGHLKHGARHTHljshdlfkjghuswhywe90utw49yu0367204851057u234^@$%&#$%Q@#$&@%@$%&@$%^$@%

I'm done. I should've done it. Now my mom is probably mad at me, and my dad just plain doesn't care. I don't get it, if you supposedly love someone, shouldn't you care about their well-being? God, I swear sometimes that I care more about my friends than they care about each other. She's probably angry or disappointed right now. I hate it when people are disappointed in me. Time for Candy Mountain, Rakion, and more music.

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