mardi 10 avril 2007

So my first post on here

It's an early morning thought....actually, it's that and a late night thought while I was in the car on the way back home...

early morning first: I'm afraid...of what you think of me. I've never been so....afraid, as silly and small as that sounded, in my life. Or rather...well, that was one of those famous hyperboles that I keep adding in for dramatic effect. Umm...I'm not sure, but sound is reasurring, and there's been no sound recently, and I am afraid. I...miss the sound. I miss...places and times that I've been to before, times that felt nice. Hmm...yeah, I miss....something else, too...

late night: I was thinking. Wouldn't it be great to be walking late at night, in a large, open field...which is quite scary, but...wouldn't it be great? I saw stars, tons of them, on the way back was in the middle of nowhere, and I never like it when we're driving through the middle of nowhere, but it felt nice...It would be great to walk around with someone late at night, with tons of stars above us. And there'd be an endless supply of music. I wouldn't have to say anything, and the other person wouldn't have to say anything; there'd just be music filling up the air around us. People rave about moonlight, but I like stars better, I think. They're more valuable if you think about it. I mean, you see them now, but they might be gone by the time their light reaches you. The idea of looking at something that might not physically be there's exciting. Then I looked back at my parents, and I thought...perhaps they just need to take a walk one night. They need to listen to the music, because right now the silence is deafening.

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit…

Please, do the literary world a favor and become a writer. :D