lundi 31 décembre 2007

new thought of the moment

If you be my star
I'll be your sky
you can hide underneath me and come out at night
when I turn jet black and you show off your light
I live to let you shine

but you can skyrocket away from me
and never come back if you find another galaxy
far from here with more room to fly
just leave me your stardust to remember you by

if you be my boat
I'll be your sea
a depth of pure blue just to probe curiosity
ebbing and flowing and pushed by a breeze
I live to make you free

but you can set sail to the west if you want to
and past the horizon till I can't even see you
far from here where the beaches are wide
just leave me your wake to remember you by

That if you're by my side
When everyday begins
I'll fall for you again

vendredi 28 décembre 2007


I think the world inconveniences me....I think so....

So I'm watching TV on the couch, listening to music trying to fall asleep...and my mood is equal to that of Dashboard's The Secret's In The Telling mixed with some White Flag and I'm Not Falling Apart.

"stacy" (8:08:28 PM): so. i'm looking up maroon 5 lyrics
"stacy" (8:08:34 PM): and this made me think of you
"stacy" (8:08:36 PM): Helplessly melting as I stand next to the sun.
As she burns me, I am screaming out for more
Drink every drop of liquid heat that I've become.
Pop me open, spill me out on to the floor.
"stacy" (8:08:48 PM): dont ask why
"stacy" (8:08:53 PM): i'm not quite sure

jeudi 27 décembre 2007


so Jason's getting sleepy, and while he's drinking his nightly cup of warm milk, his parents are reading out loud an article in Vietnamese on proper nutrition....I don't know if he's listening to it, but his dad was reading it to him, then his mom came in...and is reading...I think it's pretty awesome that they speak Cantonese to him in conversation, and then read him things in Vietnamese...Well...for right now, they're talking about the health benefits of Green Tea...and how should drink about 4 cups of Green Tea every day....goodness...

I think this kid will be pretty cool


so my uncle is watching this design show (Divine Design) and there's this couple that has this home that was once an icehouse and then a sign factory before it was turned into a single family home. They have a common passion, photography....and the designer is incorporating their photographs into the wall deco. It's great :) They're also doing a modern style with a rustic warehouse look on the's so weird that it's awesome. I am a great supporter of modern style designing. AHHHH, I think my uncle and I are so similar that it's scary sometimes; we just marveled at a two-headed stainless steel ceiling looked horrendously dangerous, but it was also very cool, and something that I'd put in my house later...

The reason I'm posting is that this couple totally plans everything they do around what they want to photograph next, and it's greatness...ahhhh, when I grow up and I can afford to leave my family without them stalking me....I'll definitely travel everywhere to take pictures....hmm, I thin I feel compelled to take pictures of my mom cooking right now. I'm asking her to perfect her green slug in coconut milk dessert thing...and instead of making the dough, which takes a long time, she's gonna use store-bought "slugs" and then cook it in pandanus that it still has that nice grassy aroma. I want to be able to learn it from her by the time i come back for march, because then I can give Frances that as part of her B-day present....and I might even have enough time after school and even devote one full reclusive weekend to put together and glue the nice MC Escher painting puzzle that I'm gonna put together and frame for her. decorative and time-consuming presents are what I'm going for...I'm also going for food. I'll probably also bring back produce and food to cook something for her....assuming I perfect it before I do that. idk...


Listening to Maroon 5 again....and they're playing their own acoustic version of The Beatles' "If I Fell"

My uncle is planting himself in the kitchen to talk to my dad's currently at home for some reason....

I'm having to watch SpongeBob, and it's disturbing me.....a lot....a lot....

Another declaration

I declare that as of about 5 minutes ago, I became very annoyed.....annoyed by the fact that my uncle, who is absolutely ingratiating with his "respect me" demands, can't even seem to get the principle that he was too inconsiderate to offer up his room, Jason's parents are sleeping in the bed in Jason's room, and my mom and my sister are sleeping in the master bedroom for this week while he is sleeping singly in the room that was given to him when he asked to stay for TWO WEEKS about TWO MONTHS ago. Then, he has the audacity to further encroach upon my every last nerce by sitting there and watching tv in the den even though he knows that I sleep there, since I can't stand to sleep on the ground because of my neck and back. Nono....of course not...if I learn well from his example, when I grow up, I'll just stay in someone else's house, make their guests have to invade my host's privacy and then just sit there and eat up people's sleeping time.

I was then further annoyed by the fact that I can't even sit in the room and talk on the phone because I hate even the thought of being in the same room as him.


mercredi 26 décembre 2007

I declare

as of this moment....I am horrible at getting gifts

Hor-ri-ble.....yes. *cries*

samedi 22 décembre 2007

new song stuck in my head....

It's Ayo Technology by 50 Cent.....I'm not sure why....but I think it has something to do with the background music and the chorus sounding nice :)

As for the

mercredi 19 décembre 2007

conversation with roommie

blackfalcon1477: I colored my physics blocks black
blackfalcon1477: after the fact that it sucks out my soul
stacy: haha
stacy: its a black hole
blackfalcon1477: yep
stacy: like your soul
blackfalcon1477: and love
stacy: haha
stacy: so, does that mean that love is a black hole and it's sucked into your black hole of a self which is sucked into the physics black hole?
blackfalcon1477: exactly
blackfalcon1477: love is lost when it comes to me, and I am lost when it comes to kolena
blackfalcon1477: yep....that's how the world works
stacy: awww. roomie
blackfalcon1477: but some chance, I love someone, I think they'll be awesome...
blackfalcon1477: hopefully
stacy: they'll have to be
stacy: with all your inhibitions and confusions about love, if someone is actually able to make you fall in love, they'd have to be pretty awesome

thoughts at 6:00 am

I am so very happy.....even though my laptop is hanging on by a thread.

So very happy....I don't think the world can be as happy as I was at 5:59 am...on December 20th, 2007. i read an article in national geographic on memory and there was this woman that would remember everything in in her life, basically. A psychologist--I forgot his name--hypothesized that anyone can do the same thing...they just have to want to. The woman disputes that, saying that they're good and bad things that she naturally remembers. That's not the point, I want to try anyway.

The article also said something about how we use technology too much and hence as a generation we can now remember very little of everyday life. I wonder if that has any effect on learning...I'm sure it does. Anyway....these things are things I refuse to write down...I'll remember the date, the time, what it was, and I will remember simply because I want to, and because it's important to me. wouldn't believe how important this is to me.

Anyhow....I only wanted to share this, to quote jialiya, with the world.

mardi 18 décembre 2007


"-----" (6:51:39 PM): your camera + your hall = jialiya's $$$

blackfalcon1477: my bans are totally shorter
blackfalcon1477: *bangs
"----": at least i got a new haircut
"----": ...
"----": did you just "BANG" me?

"-------" (4:45:42 PM): dude, i bought a glowing one
"-------" (4:45:44 PM): its so awesome
"-------" (4:45:45 PM): it glows
--2 hours later--
"-------" (6:57:34 PM): fuck this after glow
"-------" (6:57:41 PM): *i'm duct-taping this bitch

"-------" (8:24:06 PM): it was an ADVENTURE

"-------" (7:36:07 PM): haha
"-------" (7:36:17 PM): ok... let me translate it for you
"-------" (7:37:34 PM): "Oh no! These tasteless white people stole my mother's credit card and spent our hard-earned money at wal-mart! I must go to the police to correct this injustice!"

lundi 17 décembre 2007


Wouldn't it be nice if I could tape all the rare moments? Those people that I can't always spend time with....I think it would be nice if I have documentation of our time together. Memories are documents all the times that I want to remember. Same with pictures...they don't have to be artistic...or have crazy just have to have a good time. I have no idea what this is...but I want to take as many pictures of the best moments as possible.

dimanche 16 décembre 2007

I've found someone else I like

Paul Cardall is an amazing pianist/composer... so go listen to him now

I found him while listen to my Apocalytica Radio Station on Pandora

also listen to Michael Dulin

mercredi 12 décembre 2007


so I was asking tracy something the other day about a scenario involving 3 people. If two people liked one person, and that one person liked both of them back, then what shall happen? We established that:

1) They cannot be equal, and both people should know their standing
2) I think also that if they're both trying and they're not in agreement, then one should be terminated? I can't remember that well....

w/ of my friends said something, without knowing the situation: "Does it matter? One shouldn't be worried about trivial things like competition. If anything, one should be even more motivated to spend more time with that person."

I'm thinking that it's assuming you are able to spend more time with that person...also assuming that they would want to spend that much time with you. Sometimes, I don't think there are straightforward answers to these question.

oh....apparently, stacy has a blogspot account, I have to work on finding that hehehe :P she can't find mine, though....or I wouldn't like her to.....I wouldn't like anyone to, actually.

mardi 11 décembre 2007


so I haven't posted anything recently....but I think I will since I have a little time before physics.

Saturday....semi-formal...I was happy. No, not for the reasons that Frances would think, or anything else would think. It's not because I went with a date; it's not that my date was superb, nor was it because I "got to see Qin". It's not the fact that I attempted to dance all sorts of different ways and had fun looking like an idiot. It's not the fact that I had a mushroom pizza....although that might've contributed to it. The reason, I shall not divulge. If you know me well enough, you should know what it is. ahhh...unbearable...but I'm getting over the fact that I'll be a while before I'm that happy again. heh...I'll wait. Part of life is waiting, I I will oblige to life's whims. It's worth it, no? If you are unwilling to wait for something, then it's not worth it....and perhaps you should stop thinking about it. If it's worth it....then be ready to always wait for it...or them. :) I think this goes against all my reasoning....but it doesn't matter...

thought of the moment: Story by Maroon 5