jeudi 12 juin 2008

Honor and integrity

I think that people should play by their own talents and such, and if that is done then everything else should play out for itself. I don't find it very appealing and "top chef-like" to uhh..."throw people under the bus". I think those things just kinda proves that people, in Season 4's Andrew's parting words, are weak.

here's a quote straight from "television without pity" (and I couldn't have said it any better):
Lisa, squirming under the realization that her claims of sabotage haven't saved her from elimination, decides to employ her new-found love of the rules, and a defense for looking out for number one, to call out Andrew on his failure to use a whole grain. "I don't want to point fingers," she says, pointing fingers. "We are aware of it," Colicchio assures her, because we know all. We just like to watch you all implode.

He did, however, lose his rule sheet early in the challenge (I've never seen a rule sheet in any of the episodes, although it does make sense that there would be one), and forged ahead without it. Lisa apologizes for calling Andrew out, and maintains that he'd have done the same to her. He wouldn't, he says, and that's the difference. "If I say any more, I'm scared I'm going to get punched," says Lisa. If only.

We who have watched her all through the season have what I call "outsider's view" and i think that when the masses all see you as something, there's probably at least a grain of truth in it. And no, it's not just ugly. It's also "slimy, a hack, and talentless".

She's not all that pleasant to work with, and you know...she's just bitchy, I feel, in all the wrong places. Here's another small passage from television without pity that I think also sums up the reasons for my frustration against her on-screen personality:
And then the episode continues, so I figured they were going to have a scene where each of the final three announces that he or she is going to win. But no. Instead, there's a kind of awkward silence after Antonia leaves and Lisa bitches, "I know you guys are upset that Antonia's leaving, but a congratulations would have been nice." Wow. Wooooooooooooow. The unmitigated gall on that woman. Stephanie and Richard are exhausted, and trying to process that their friend left instead of Lisa, and she's pissed about their manners? Did she say congratulations to them? Because they just made the finals too. Stephanie immediately congratulates Lisa, but quite angrily, and Richard follows suit. Lisa mumbles that they must think that the wrong person went home. No one contradicts her. Richard awesomely interviews, "What did she expect? I don't understand that. You won the fucking bronze medal. Congratulations. There you go." And we'll let Richard have the last word. Thanks for letting me sub in on one of my favorite shows this week - Chuck will be back next week for the finale!

Here's her response

Well, Lisa, this is what the blogs have to say about you...and well...not only are you ugly on the inside, but also on the outside *peppy voice* where it counts!

But I have to give it to her that while her food looked rather "pedestrian" and less complex compared to stephanie's, the winner, it seemed really nice. She cooked a wonderful last meal. Her personality gives a weird aftertaste, but...uhh..well, I guess you can't taste it if it's back in the kitchen.

look at their (Stephanie, Richard and Lisa) record. It's not strange to say that she "surprised the audience by outperforming Richard" because Richard has quite a wonderful culinary background.

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