samedi 21 juin 2008

things I learned from driving

I've been waking up early...anywhere from 6:30 to 9 am to drive, and I"ve learned a few very valuable things just from driving around my neightborhood.

1) everyone needs to trim their bushes if it's at the corner of every street

2) the wooden poles that are placed to connect the electric cables are *REALLY* inconveniently placed at street corners

3) Dead End signs are also inconveniently placed so that you only see it *AFTER*
you've turned into the street.

4) Every street that you turn right into from Florida St. is a Dead End. Perhaps that's why the Dead End signs are inconsiderately placed the way they are.

5) I'm a bolder driver than my mother--and I might be turning a teeny bit too fast into roads.

6) Squirrels that are dead on the street are so because they *commit suicide* by NOT clearing the street when cars arrive.

7) Having on nice-smelling clothes help the driving experience

8) Yard sales are REALLY annoying if you're a driver because your two-lane roads have been turned into one-lane roads.

9) Driving past 45 gives you a rather alarming adrenaline rush that feels wonderful

10) If those black gansta kids don't get out of the road, I should just run them over the next time.

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