lundi 22 octobre 2007

quizzes/surveys and such

1) Some random girl comes up to you and says "Hey, what's your name?"
2) What's the last thing you put in your mouth?
Deer Park water bottle
3) What does your last text message say?
“I miss you. If I woke you up, then I hope the thought was nice enough that it was okay.”
4) The last song you listened to?
“I will follow you into the dark” by Death Cab
5) If you hated someone and got put in charge of their funeral music, what would it be?
6) Where is your best friend right now?
I don’t know you tell me.
7) What did you do yesterday?
hung out with Frances
8) Pick a scar on your body - what did you do?
elbow—fell off a scooter while trying to stupidly race against a bike XD Rolled down a hill, and two bloody arms later, here I am.
9) What teacher have you hated most and why?
Dr. Schmalbeck—she couldn’t teach. My 9th grade Hn. Earth Science teacher taught be more things than she did
12.) What do you really think happened to steve on blues clues?
uhhh…..he got addicted to the drugs that the blues clues accidentally led him to one day
14.) Who is your most religious friend?
15) Who do you trust with your life?
The same people that I believe could trust theirs with mine.  Not giving any names though.—I agree with this answer
16) If you could change your name to anything what would it be?
I like mine
17) What would you say if someone told you you were the most beautiful person in the world and they would do anything to wake up to your face each and every morning?
Stare at them….and tell them I don’t believe them…
18) What do you hate about your school?
some people don’t deserve to be here and I wish they weren’t here
19) How often do you curse?
quite often, though if you don’t, I’ll try not to curse in front of you until I’m comfortable with you
20) Do you trust all of your friends?
21) Would you move to another state or country to be with the one you love?
Depends. I might.
22.) Have you ever talked on the phone while in the shower?
23) Name two things you would NOT tolerate in a relationship?
Disrespect and disloyalty—yeah….I agree
24) Which one of your friends do you think would make the best prostitute?
25) Are you afraid of falling in love?
kind of
26) Is there someone that popped in your mind after that question?
I like tea—for Tracy, this means yes……….for me, uh….I like sushi
27) Would you stop talking to your friends because you hooked up with a new person?
uh, no. most likely, I would stop talking to this new person sooner than I would my friends
29) Fill in the blank. I love_____
being with those people that make me happy, and hopefully that I can do the same for.
30) What is a goal you would like to accomplish in the near future?
getting things done and making my grades asian-acceptable
31) If you were to wake up from being in a coma for an extended time who would you call?
who….if singular, then they should know. If plural then generally my closest friends
32) How many kids do you want to have?
I dunno, how many can I comfortably support?
33) Would you make a good parent?
I don’t think so
34) Where was your default picture taken?
outside the Golden Gate bridge gift shop
35) What is your middle name?
36) Honestly, what's on your mind right now?
Tracy’s health
37) If you could go back in time and change something, what would it be?
I had this conversation with Tracy…and I’m quite content with my life as well….
38) Shoe size?
39) What are you wearing right now?
White dress pants, blue and green striped polo and a dark denim jacket
40) Righty or Lefty?
41) Can you make a dollar in change right now?
43) Favorite jeans?
the really comfortable ones that belong to my cousin
44) Favorite animal?
white tiger
45) Favorite juice?
46) Have you had the chicken pox?
47) Have you had a sore throat?
of course
48) Ever had plastic surgery?
of course…..i had to get rid of that “40-year-old chain-smoker look’
49) Who knows you the best?
My dear, dear little bunny
50) Do you wear contact lenses or glasses?
glasses…but I won’t wear them
51) Ever been in a fight with your pet?
yeah…it wouldn’t let go of my finger, so I tried to pull it out against the side of the cage….it was violent and I bled.
52) Been to Mexico?
uhhh…..depends on who’s asking
53) Did you buy something yesterday?
54) Did you get sick today?
55) Did you miss anyone today?
You would not believe how much
56) Did you get in a fight with someone today?
57) When is the last time you liked someone?
uhh…..I dunno….you mean without the intention of amusing myself? Uhh….5th grade
58) Last person to lay in your bed?
59) Last person to see you cry?
I dunno…
60) Who/what made you cry?
I dunno
62) What are your plans for the weekend?
apps and essays and hanging out and papers and French hw, and talking to Tracy until those ungodly hours of the morning…damn it, those apps are not getting done.
63) Who do you think will repost this?
hehe, Tracy would, but I got it from her, so…I dunno
64) Are you happy right now?
as of this moment? Yeah. In general? More than I’ve ever been by far
65) Drunk dialer or texter?
66) Are you hungry?
67) Are you a forgiving person?
to people I care about, I’ll forgive most things
68) Would you ever share a girl/boyfriend with your best friend?
uhhh… If it makes them happy, I would give them up. I don’t care much for that.
69) Have you lost a friend recently?
70) Are you talking to someone while doing this?
uhh…..trying to pretend like I’m paying attention to the teacher
72) What are you about to do right now?
take the next survey/quiz

1. What's your favorite animal?: white tiger
2. Why?: they exude mystery, and that intrigues and excites me, and plus, they are aesthetically pleasing to me…..the color comforts me
1. I love chocolate.
2. I know all the words to "Beverly Hills"
3. I think "Lady and the Tramp" is the most romantic cartoon ever made
4. Summer vacation ends in August for me
5. My camera is the best thing I own
6. I have TiVo
7. I have can fake a British accent
8. There are more than two bathrooms in my house
9. I can walk to my best friend's house in under five minutes
10. The flag on my mailbox is broken
1. What was the last movie you saw in a theater?: Meet the Robinsons
2. Rented?: Idk
3. Bought?: none
4. Out of those three, which was the best?: dude…only one choice
5. What's your all-time favorite movie?: The fountain
6. Least favorite?: Dukes of Hazard
7. If there was a remake of The Wizard of Oz, who would you choose to play Dorothy?: idk….
8. Speaking of which, do you believe it that whole "hanging munchkin" thing?: I have no idea
9. Who was a better Willy Wonka; Gene Wilder or Johnny Depp?: uhh….Johnny Depp was creepy
10. What's the best snack to eat while watching movies?: kettle-cooked chips are always good….
Depression & Sadness
1. Are you sad right now?: nope
2. Did anything upsetting happen this past week?: I guess….
3. Do you think you're depressed?: nope
4. Do you listen to sad music?: XD yeah….
5. Have you cheered anyone up recently?: I hope so
6. Has anyone cheered you up?: Definitely
7. Has anyone close to you ever died?: nope
8. Do you get upset when you hear child abuse stories on the news?: nope
9. Do you cry a lot?: uhh, depends on the reason
10. Do you watch sad movies/TV shows?: nope
Everyday Routine
1. What time do you usually get up?: uhh….when I have to
2. Do you shower in the morning or at night?: morning
3. Do you floss?: no
4. Do you have a job?: no
5. Name one person you see every day: roommate
6. What song are you tired of hearing every friggen day?: lots of stuff
8. What's one thing you have to do every day?: go to school
9. What do you wish you could do every day?: see my little bunny
10. How do you like to relax at the end of the day?: listen to my little bunny
Food & Drink
1. What's your favorite breakfast?: a mushroom, chicken, and chives omelette with crispy bacon and toasted muffins
2. Lunch?: at home, almost anything I can make, at school….fried chicken day
3. Dinner?: at home, almost anything I can make, at school…..9th street
4. Restaurant?: Tastyness….I have to go to this tastyness of which you speak
5. Coca Cola, Pepsi, or Seltzer?: coke
6. Do you drink water?: yeah
7. Can you drink alcohol legally?: no
8. If no, do you drink it anyway?: yes
9. What's your favorite food to cook?: slow cooked “soup” with Cornish Hen, dried shiitake mushrooms, onion and ginger
10. Coffee or Tea?: definitely tea
Idiot Box
1. What's your favorite reality show?: I guess Top Chef qualifies as one…
2. Cartoon?: tom and jerry is a classic
3. Drama?: idk
4. What's the stupidest show on TV right now?: I love New york
5. Do you watch sketch comedy (MadTV, SNL, etc.)?: yeah, The Soup
6. What channel is TBS where you live?: idk
7. Do you actually use the TV Guide Channel?: no
8. Do you watch music videos?: yeah
9. How about America's Funniest Videos?: no
10. Did you know that "Idiot Box" is also the title of a Spongebob episode?: no
Jumping for Joy!
1. Are you excited about something right now?: not really
2. When was the last time you were really, really happy?: heh…
3. Hear any good news recently?: I dunno
4. Fix any problems?: haha, not really
5. Do you get hyper easily?: kind of
6. Does caffeine make you jittery?: not really, unless it’s strong or I drank a lot
7. Do you get excited easily?: hmm, by certain things
8. Do you think hyperactive puppies are annoying?: nah
9. How high can you jump?: not very
10. Did you like jump rope as a little kid?: not at all
Kid Stuff
1. What was your favorite toy as a kid?: ahem….errr….some little kids’ cooking set
2. Were you a Disney Princess?: ewww
3. And how about those Disney animal movies?: nah
4. Did you watch Nick Jr.?: no
5. Barney?: uhh….*whispers* yes…
6. Sesame Street?: no
7. Do you have/want kids?: yeah, some day
8. Do you have any nieces or nephews?: no
9. Do you have any adult relatives who act like kids?: uh, yeah, lots….
10. Were you a Toys 'R' Us kid?: nope
1. What color is your hair naturally?: dark brown, getting lighter it seems….Qin blames it on the summer
2. Do you dye it?: I had highlights
3. What color are your eyes?: dark brown
4. Do you need glasses/contacts?: yeah, but I don’t wear them
5. How about braces/retainers?: nope
6. How tall are you?: 5’4”?
7. What's your shoe size?: 8.5
8. How do you dress on a normal day?: polo and pants
9. Do you wear a lot of make-up?: not at all
10. Do you paint your nails?: not at all
1. What's 43 divided by 3?: 14.33333333333….etc..
2. Name two plays written by Shakespeare: A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Romeo and Juliet
3. What's the square route of 16?: 4
4. In what year did Columbus discover America?: 1492
5. Who was the third American president?: Ben Franklin?
6. How many wives did Henry VII have?: 7?
7. Name three elements on the Periodic Table: Rutherfordium, Francium, Tungsten
8. When did the Berlin Wall come down?: 1989?
9. How many hours are in 3 days?: 72.
10. A butcher is 5"5. What does he weigh?: Meat.
1. What was your favorite book as a kid?: The Giving Tree
2. How about now?: The Alchemist
3. Did you ever read the Black Lagoon series?: hahaha, yeah
4. Ramona Quimby?: wth?
5. Junie B. Jones?: yeah, actually
6. Harry Potter?: yep
7. What book should have never been made into a movie?: a lot that have already been made
8. What book should be made into a movie?: Key to the Kingdom series?
9. Who's your favorite author?: I don’t think I have one
10. Is "Arthur" a better book or TV show?: tv
This or That
1. Rock or Rap?: former
2. Spring or Fall?: fall
3. Black and White or Color?: black and white
4. Cats or Dogs?: cats
5. World History or Algebra/Math?: world history
6. Bolding or X's?: bolding
7. Nickelodeon or Cartoon Network?: nickelodeon
8. '70s or '80s?: I dunno
9. Monopoly or Clue?: monopoly
10. Aerosmith or Bon Jovi?: I don’t care
Under the Floorboards
1. Do you have a secret?: Yes.
2. Are you good at keeping secrets?: I'd like to think so. Yeah.
3. How about your friends?: I would think so.
4. Is your mom one of those gossipy housewives that tell everyone everything?: she can be
5. Does your family have secrets?: yes, we do
6. Do you lie to people a lot to keep your secret safe?: yeah
7. Are you keeping a secret right now?: yeah
8. Do you have a good Poker face?: I can
9. Have you ever planned a surprise party?: nah
10. Did you lie on this section to keep a secret?: nope
Word Association
1. Car: automobile
2. Bunny: tracy
3. Green: frances
4. Banana: <.<
5. Dance: ballroom
6. Napoleon Dynamite: ew
7. Porn: pirates
8. Ambulance: 6th amendment?
9. Flower: lavender?

1. Are you single? yeah
2. Are you happy? Generally, yeah
3. Are you bored? yeah
4. Are you sad? no
5. Are you Italian? no
6. Are you pregnant? no
8. Are you cool? idk
9. Are you Irish? no
10. Are your parents still married? Uhh….yeah
1. Name – Ha Thien
2. Birthplace - Vietnam
3. Hair color - Dark brown.
4. Hair style- quite long
5. Eye color – dark brown
6. Birthday – july 14th
7. Mood - tired
8. Favorite color? blue
9. Where do you live? usa
10. Left or right handed - right
1. Have you ever been in love? no
2. Do you believe in love at first sight? no
3. Why did your last relationship fail? Because I got bored, basically…that and he didn’t know me
4. Have you ever been hurt emotionally? sure
5. Have you ever broken someone's heart? So I’ve been told
7. Have you ever liked someone but never told them? I never tell
8. Are you afraid of commitment? A little
9. Have you hugged someone within the last week? yeah
10. Have you ever had a secret admirer? Not really, they’ve either told me or was very quiet about it
1. Love or lust? I like the former, but I think I’ll probably get/experience the latter
3. Cats or dogs? cats
4. A few best friends or many regular friends? former
6. Pepsi or coke? coke
7. Wild night out or romantic night in? quiet is good
8. Money or Hungry? Wth are you smoking?
9. Night or day? night
10. MSN (AIM) or phone? Depends.
1. Been caught sneaking out? no
2. Been skinny dipping? no
3. Done something you regret? A lot
4. Bungee jumped? no
5. Lied to someone you love? Uh…..
6. Finished an entire jaw breaker? no
8. Wanted an ex bf/gf back? never
9. Cried because you lost a pet? Yeah, actually
10. Wanted to disappear? A lot
1. Smile or eyes: smile, usually
2. Light hair or dark: dark
3. Hugs or kisses: hugs
4. Shorter or taller: idc
5. Intelligence or attraction: Intelligence.
6. Romantic or spontaneous: ….I guess idk
8. Hook-up or relationship: Latter
9. Do you want a boyfriend/girlfriend: no
1. Last phone call you made: Tracy
2. Last phone call you receive: Tracy
3. Last person you hung out with: Pinkie
5. Last person you tackled: idk…on AIM, Tracy
6. Last person you IMed: Prashant
7. Last text message you received: idk
8. Last person you went to the movies with: Jared
9. Last person/ thing you missed: need not know that
10. Person you wanna be with right now: need not know that

*Answer the questions using the letter that begins your name
*They have to be real places, names, things...nothing made up!
*Try to use different answers if the person in front of you had the same first initial. You CAN'T use your name for the boy/girl name question. (It is harder than you think.)

What is your name? Ha Thien
Four-letter word: hate
Vehicle: honda
Movie: hitched
TV Show: How to Boil Water
City: Hanoi
Girl Name: Hillary
Boy Name: Heath
Alcoholic drink: Hawaiian Screwdriver
Occupation: Historian
Something you wear: Hats
Celebrity: Halle Berry
Something found in a bathroom: Handles
Reason for being late: Hit-and-run
Cartoon Character: Harold from Hey Arnold
Something you shout: Hey!

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