lundi 13 août 2007

even more quizzes

what's your favorite dr. seuss book? Haha, this might seem cliched, but I really liked Green Eggs and Ham.

If you could live in any home on a television series, what would it be? that house on Flipping Out that he is living in.

what's the longest you've gone without sleep? 2 days

what's your favorite barry manilow song? <.< ewww

who's your favorite muppet? I'll have to go with Kermit... Haha, so dirty---oh! I took a picture of his star on Hollywood blvd. btw, I concur...XD

what's the habit you're proudest of breaking? umm, the real question is, "have you broken any habits?"

what's your favorite Web site? I dunno....

what's your favorite school supply? fountain pens or my precise V5

who's your favorite TV attorney? I even have one?

what was your most recent trip of more than 50 miles? CA

what's the best bargain you've ever found at a garage sale or thrift store? clubs?

where were you on september 11, 2001? At school, our school stopped to watch the news, I was reading in the back of the class.

what's your favorite tree? those weird ones I saw in CA

what's the most interesting biography you've read? The Rise and Fall of Adolf Hitler

what do you order when you eat chinese food? usually.....vegetable lo mein

what's the best costume you've ever worn? Grim Reaper

what's your least favorite word? hurt

if you had to be named after one of the 50 states, which would it be? Maine

who's your favorite care bear? Tenderheart? That lion thing.

describe something that's happened to you for which you have no explanation. I'm coming up with blanks...--me too

if you could travel anywhere in africa, where would it be? that what it's called or spelled?

what did you have for lunch yesterday? sandwich....on the plane, which was a mistake

where do you go for advice? my little bunny

which do you use more often, the dictionary or the thesaurus? Dictionary

have you ever been snorkeling? scuba diving? Nope--can't swim.---yep

have you ever been stung by a bee? nah

what's the sickest you've ever been? really sick....ER

what's your favorite form of exercise? walking, I guess.....taking pictures....hiking.

what's your favorite cyndi lauper song? I dunno....

what did you do for your 13th birthday? I dunno.....stayed at home, probably.

are you afraid of heights? yes, very.

have you ever taken dance lessons? ballet....

what's your favorite newspaper? I don't usually read the newspaper, but when I do, it's just the Charlotte Observer.

what's your favorite broadway musical? I've never seen one

what's the most memorable class you've ever taken? Honors English II and Chemistry with Topics

what's your favorite knock-knock joke? ummm, knock, knock. Who's there? Dead. Dead who? Dead baby.

what's your favorite commercial? Nationwide and Geico

if you could go to disney world with any celebrity alive today, who would it be? umm...I would be awkward....but I guess Rodrigo Santoro XDDDDDD

do you prefer baths or showers? showers

does your chewing gum lose its flavor on the bedpost overnight? ewwww, that is just....UNSANITARY TO THE MAX

what's your favorite breakfast food? omelette with turkey, mushrooms, and cheese. complete with toast with a side of really thinly sliced fries...

who's your favorite game show host? none

if you could have a super power, what would it be? reading minds?

do you like guacamole? never had it

have you ever been in a food fight? yeah, left lasting scars, too

name five songs to which you know all the lyrics. hey there delilah, rain, stolen, apologize, not falling apart

what's your favorite infomercial? ewwww infomercials are bad

what's the longest you've ever waited in line? 1.5 hours, I think

what's on the cover of your address book or day planner? I don't keep one

have you ever taken a picture in one of those little booths? yes....


Would you rather have a salty, sweet, or sour snack?

What’s your ideal dinner?
pasta, lots of it. and seafood.

If you could only taste one taste for the rest of your life, what would it be?
...................................................persimmons, I guess....

What is your guilty pleasure in food? flan. I'll always break for flan.

What’s your favorite healthy food? umm.....I guess sushi is healthy

What’s your favorite kind of pasta? penne, I guess....or rigatoni

Would you rather eat fruits or vegetables?

Would you rather have a crunchy or soft snack?

What’s your favorite texture in food? very crunchy

Do you like crunchy or creamy peanut butter better?
hate peanut butter

If you could have only one part of the food pyramid for the rest of your life (excluding the top, salts and sweets), which would it be?
pasta, have I not made this clear?

What’s your favorite hot drink?
chrysanthemum tea

What’s your favorite cool drink?
root beer

What’s your favorite kind of soda?
root beer....

Do you like diet soda?
No, makes me sick....

Are you a vegetarian or vegan?
hehe, no

If not, what’s your favorite kind of meat?
duck, I guess....lamb?

Do you like ketchup or mustard better?

What’s your favorite meal of the day?
hehe, I guess breakfast...or considering when I eat breakfast, lunch.

When you “diet”, do you just stop eating?
dude.....isn't that called anorexia?

Do you consider yourself a healthy eater?

Would you rather enter in a hot dog or pie-eating contest, assuming you would enter that kind of contest at all?
I would not

Do you think hot dog and pie-eating contests are gross?

What’s your favorite snack at the movie-theater?
reeses pieces, surprisingly

Do you like cotton candy or marshmallows better?
marshmallows, if I must

Do you have a sweet tooth?

(If you are a girl) What kind of food do you crave the most during your period?
wtf? *sigh* if you must know....I guess it's....anything with coconut. *dies*

Do you eat when you’re bored?

What would be in your ideal trail mix?
dried taro chips, jackfruit chips....sweet potato chips...yeah...


Can you walk on hot sand barefoot?
yeah....burns, but you get used to it

Do you go barefoot during the summer?

Would you rather pet a porcupine or an angry skunk?

Do you mind getting your hands dirty?

Do you sleep with a lot of pillows or just a few?

Is your bed soft or firm?
just right, but I guess firmer than your normal bed

Do you like soft or silky stuff?
I don't know....that's a hard choice to make.

Would you rather be insanely hot or extremely cold?
Extremely cold

Do you like making snowballs?
yeah, with my bare hands

How do you usually warm up if you’re really cold?
I curl up...-----sooooooocute *ahem* anyway, I curl up as well....underneath a soft, nice-smelling comforter.

What’s the texture of most of your clothes?
Cotton-y?---haha, same. I don't know how to describe it.

What’s the most uncomfortable fabric you can think of?

Do you own any velvet clothing?
0_o? wtf? no.

Are you allergic to any fabrics?

Do you like wooden floors or carpet better?

Do you wear socks a lot, or do you prefer being barefoot?
Barefoot, unless I'm at school where I can get splinters

Do you get blisters easily?

Have you ever had a rash?

Would you say you have long hands?
haha, my hands are rather small

Have you ever been rock climbing?

Does physical pain really bother you, or do you have “tough skin”?
bother me....but takes a bit

What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
falling off scooter, rolling down hill

What’s the last injury you had?
cut fingers, from knives

Do you stub your toes and/or jam your fingers often?

What’s the most uncomfortable feeling of all?

Have you ever had your hand(s)/finger(s) slammed in a door?

Have you ever been beat up?

Have you ever beaten someone else up?

Is physical or emotional pain worse?

Have you ever sneezed and coughed at the same time?


What’s the best sight ever?
sunset on a comfortable, grassy hill...overlooking a lake

What’s the ugliest sight ever? smog

Do you believe that beautiful people are more successful, usually, than uglier people?
I guess so....but smarter people tend to last longer.

What’s the first physical thing you notice about people?

What’s the first physical thing you notice about members of the opposite sex?

Do you literally judge books by their covers?
yeah....a lot

Do you judge people by their looks?
I guess I do's inevitable. I try not to

Do you consider yourself attractive?

Do other people consider you attractive?
I don't know.

Does your self-esteem depend on what you think about your physical appearance?
no....I pride myself on intelligence.

Do you look more like your mom or dad?

What’s the most unusual thing about your appearance?
I dunno

What color is your best friend’s hair?, I guess. best friend?

Do you like looking at art and photographs?
Yeah, of course!

Do you have an eye for photography?
umm....I don't think so, but I have my idea of what looks nice.

Are you more into portrait paintings/drawings/photographs or landscape paintings/drawings/photographs?

Does the room you’re in have to be completely dark in order for you to fall asleep?

Does bright light bother you?
when I'm trying to sleep....and mostly, yeah...

Do you ever sneeze when you step into the sun after being in a dimly lit place?

Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?
Hmmm... I don't know.

What’s your favorite item of clothing?
really crisp dress shirts

Do you go more for the laid-back look (jeans and a tee shirt) or a more polished look (skirt and polo)?
depends on my mood what I do

What’s the most moving thing you’ve ever seen?
a comforting smile

Have you ever seen any of the Seven Wonders of the World?
is the grand canyon one?

Is your room messy or neat?

Would you rather look at the ocean or a mountain all day?
I... Don't know........that's hard to say

Do you care about how you look?
Not much.

What’s the best looking letter?
I guess J

What’s the best looking number?

What’s the best looking shape?

Is the city/town you live in beautiful?


Do you wear deodorant religiously?
kind of

Does bad BO really bother you?
it can....

What’s your favorite smell?
fabric softener

What’s your least favorite smell?
embalming fluid

Do you shower daily?

Does your room usually smell good?
doesn't have a smell

What food smells the best when it’s cooking?
I many things

What food smells good just as it is?
stop asking hard questions D:

What food smells the worst when it’s cooking?
ummm.....I know it in vietnamese as mam...basically, the stinky fish pastes...

What food smells the worst just as it is?
umm...didn't I just say mam

Do you like the way outside smells just after it rains?

Can you smell when rain is on the way?
yeah...smells bad

Does fire burning smell good to you?
sometimes....certain wood

Do your pets smell bad?
yeah, very

Do you have a good sense of smell?
I guess...

Do you like lying in the grass just to smell it?
no, unsanitary

Do you have a big nose?
I guess

Do you go into perfume stores just to try on their free samples?

Do you like cucumber melon or passionfruit perfume better?
ummm.....I guess passion fruit?

Do you like perfume or body spray better?
I guess body spray sometimes

Do you use bar soap or body wash?
the latter

What kind of shampoo do you use and what does it smell like?
herbal essence "body envy" (seriously) smells like....actually passion fruit? or citrus, I forgot.

What kind of conditioner do you use and what does it smell like?
I don't use conditioner.

Do you think water has a scent?

Which flower has the best scent?

Which tree has the best scent?

Do you like the smell of seawater?

Do you have stinky feet?

Does dirt or sand smell better?


What’s the worst sound in the world?
high-pitched screechy sounds.

What’s the best sound in the world?
soothing, soft voices talking to me

Does it have to be completely silent for you to fall asleep?
no, but it has to be nice sounds.

Do you fall asleep listening to music or the TV?
oftentimes, music

Do loud noises bother you?

Do you have a loud voice?
I can.

Do any of your friends have a really annoying laugh?
no....I hate mine

Do you have a really annoying laugh?
I hate mine

What sound do you normally wake up to?
loud talking

What’s your favorite genre of music?
I don't have one, really....

What’s your least favorite genre of music?
Mostly country and rap.

Do you think you have a good singing voice?
not at all

Who’s your favorite singer?

Who’s your least favorite singer?
cradle of filth...screaming, ewww

Who has the worst speaking voice ever?

Who has the best speaking voice ever?
umm....haha, I like soft voices, some people qualify, I guess..

Do you prefer country or rap? (You have to choose one!)

Do you sing loudly in the shower?

What’s your favorite band?

Would you rather listen to fingernails scraping across a chalkboard or shoes squeaking on the floor?

Do you ever get distracted to what a person is saying because their voice is really bad/good?
....good, yes

Would you rather listen to your favorite song over and over again for the rest of your life or five songs you just kinda like over and over again for the rest of your life?
Hmmm...I dunno...

What’s the best sounding word ever?

What’s the worst sounding word ever?
I dunno

Do you ever say a word so much it doesn’t even sound like a word anymore?

Do you snore?

Do you talk in your sleep?

Do you talk too much or too little?
I wouldn't know that

What sound always makes you laugh?
nothing that I can name

What’s the funniest joke you know?
hmmm, hahahaha, for now, dry wine. spontaneous & unexpected ones are always good

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