samedi 30 juin 2007

numerous dreams all at once

So I barely remember whole dreams anymore...but I specifically remember that Qin was my roommate, and that was odd. was nice, actually...because we were just as giddy and happy as we always are when we're in class. I forgot what we were laughing at, but we were laughing at something and I remember that the feeling was very nice :)

Then there was this dream last night where someone was running through the school with a gun. I have no idea who he was, because his face was covered up, but he seemed to be targeting me. Anyway, he actually got a hold of Frances, and it made me really angry. For some reason, Tracy was there, too...even though she doesn't go to our school. Well, he was threatening to kill Frances, actually...and for some reason, through all the anger, I felt a gun that just appeared to be strapped to my leg, and in this quick motion--like one you'd see on hunter x hunter or something--I got it and shot him. However, it didn't feel good, even though I was relieved that Frances was okay. I don't think I can ever shoot someone...but one never knows.

then there is this one that keeps coming back to haunt me. It's the one where I'm driving down the highway on a motorcycle and I cross a bridge that always seems to be broken in all of my dreams. I then proceeded to descend a horrific 60-70 feet or so down into the ocean. At this lovely point in my dream, I'd realize that I can't swim and start screaming at the top of my lungs. However, assuming no one wakes me up, I'll continue in the dream and eventually swim out of the water, sans motorcycle, and be picked up by someone (always someone that I know) in what I now call, "The SUV of the night." It's always an SUV XD I think the last one I had was a BMW X5, the extended version with 3 rows of seats and all. :D for the people that save me...I think the most recent one was Joseph Moore. He's appeared quite a few times, actually...and my cousin David, Melinda, my mom, My English II teacher....I have no idea why they appear.

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