mercredi 27 juin 2007


I don't know how many times I'm going to decide to drop the issue that's nagging at me in my head. Drop it, Ha Thien....drop it.

I think the answer that I'm looking for here is how to differentiate between truths and lies. I think that it's better to be told the ugly truth than to be told a nice lie and then be confused later about which side they're on. Eh....Let it go. I don't think it will do me any good to think about things that I have no control over, eh? People regret what they regret. As long as I don't regret it, then it obviously meant something, right?

eh....onto something more fun.

I had this dream last night where Frances, me, and some other person (I forgot) were pulled into this thing. I don't know if it could be called a game or not, but basically, you're attached to this harness, much like the ones that they put on you for the rock wall thing. Frances went first, along with a bunch of other people. I forgot why, but I went a while later...and when I went they told me to put eyedrops in my eye...I have no idea why. But I did, and when Alex went over with a waver signed, they told her that I was the last person who gets to go.

Then the lady turned to me and told me to close my eyes and don't look down. Then they showed me this badly drawn diagram of stick figures and such. Basically, what they're doing is attaching me to this bungee cord. Then, they're going to catapult me fromt the tower that we're on, and I'm going to fall onto a lower platform. break my fall, they have this giant tank of water that I'll fall into. great, fear of heights and fear of water kicking in...but I told myself that if Frances can do the same thing, then it's okay. So I did, and I had this really bad feeling of falling down, like in all my other dreams, but I actually stuck with this one, and then a feeling of being submerged in water came. I was really scared then, because I can't swim. I got out, however, and went into this nice hotel on the lower level of our now skycraper-y school? <.<

Anyway, there was this table with a lot of food on it...and I started to get food...I have no idea why because I wasn't hungry. Then I went to look for Frances, and I found someone that told me Frances just ran off to get some food. So somehow, my food miraculously disappeared and I thought I'd lie down on a futon somewhere. The rest of the dream is a blur. That was a strange dream.

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