mercredi 11 juillet 2007


My mom and I just fought three separate times within an hour. It was really aggravating, and my throat is just dying...I need some interesting surveys to put me in a happier mood. GRR...I really didn't have the energy to fight. I've been kind of tired these past few days...*sigh* w/e...onto happier things, eh? :D


• Are you available?: Not at the moment, no.
• What is your age?: 16 for right now
• What annoys you?: Right family


• Do you know anyone named Billy? Yes.
• When is your birthday?: This Saturday


• Current mood: Haha, happier.
• What’s your favorite candy? Hmm, for right now, I think it's chocolate-covered Macadamia nuts...Is that really a candy?
• Your current Crush? Ummm....<.< >.> <.< >.>
• When was the last time you cried? I don't remember


• Do you daydream?: I don't think I've ever daydreamed...What's a daydream?
• What’s your favorite kind of dog?: Scottish Terrier...
• What day of the week is it?: A Wednesday


• How do you like your eggs?: I like it best sunny-side up, with a few sprinkles of soy sauce to season. When it's sunny-side up, I don't like to season with salt. Actually...if the yolk was a little runny, and you kind of break it, sprinkle a bit of soy sauce in there and eat with nice, crunchy toast. Mmmm....<.< that was too long to describe eggs.
• Have you ever been in the emergency room? Yes...for some weird stomach virus, nothing too big.
• Ever met an elephant? Not personally, no...


• Do you use fly swatters?: Nah...It's much more fun to get a wet hand towel and swat it around...
• Have you ever used a foghorn?: Not at all
• Is there a fan in your room?: There used to be, before it broke.


• Do you chew gum?: Not really, no.
• Do you like gory movies?: I'm not a big fan of gory movies.
• Who’s gay? Ryan Craver...


• How are you doing? I am doing just fine :)
• What’s your height?: I am 5'4"
• What color is your hair? dark brown


• What’s your favorite ice cream?: Cherry vanilla, the last time I checked
• Have you ever ice skated?: Nope
• Ever been in an igloo?: Not at all


• What’s your favorite Jelly Bean?: I don't like Jelly Beans
• Do you wear jewelry? A necklace and the almost-everyday watch
• Are you jealous?: Of whom?


• Who do you want to kill?: Nobody
• Have you ever flown a kite?: Yes...I have a giant kite, in fact
• Do you think kangaroos are cute?: Wallabies are much better


• Are you laid back? I think I am, for the most part
• Lions or tigers?: Tigers, hands-down
• Do you like black licorice?: I don't like licorice...


• Ever shopped at Moosejaw?: Nope
• Favorite store at the mall? Tommy Hilfigher, definitely.
• Do you have a nickname? Several
• Do you prefer night or day?: Night--it's much more intriguing...and night always manage to induce a


• What’s your one wish?: To be happy
• Are you an only child? Nope
• Do you like the color orange?: Not particularly


• What are you most paranoid about?: Making people unhappy
• Piercings?: Two
• Do you know anyone named Penelope?: No...but that just reminded me of "The Odyssey"


• Are you quick to judge people?: I guess...sometimes.
• Do you like Quaker Oats?: No...not at all. Never.
• Know anyone that makes quilts?: I do, actually.


• Do you think you’re always right?: Not at all
• Do you watch reality TV?: I guess...I watch things like Top Chef, which is kind of Reality TV
• Reason to cry?: A great loss...or something absolutely beautiful


• Do you prefer sun or rain?: Rain, always.
• Do you like snow? Yep
• Whats your favorite season?: Autumn

• What time is it?: night time
• What time did you wake up?: morning time


• Can you ride a unicycle?: Not to save my life
• Do you know anyone with a unibrow?: Yes
• How many uncles do you have?: A little too many


• What’s the worst vegetable?: ohh....that's a bit hard for me, I like vegetables...most of them. I don't know...oh yeah...I think leeks count...I don't like leeks that much


• What’s your worst habit?: I guess biting my lip
• Do you like water rides?: Yes, nothing that ends in a pool, though...because I can't swim.
• Ever been inside a windmill?: would be nice...


• Have you ever had an x-ray?: A lot
• Ever used a Xerox machine?: Yes


• Do you like the color yellow?: Not really
• What year were you born in?: 1990
• Do you yell when you’re angry?: Yes...unfortunately


• Do you believe in the zodiac?: Not really
• What’s your zodiac sign?: Cancer

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