lundi 2 juillet 2007

bizarre on the edge of the macabre

So I had this dream where Frances’ dad was one of my mom’s clients. WTF? They’re like two hours away. Anyway, we went to her house so that my mom can discuss something. So I went up the stairs to her room and tripped as soon as I got to the top. Her and her sister came out and looked at me like I was weird. Anyway, I proceeded to Frances’ room and for some reason her and someone else were recording music. Frances was playing the flute, and the other person was playing piano. Tracy and her cousin were there….even though I’ve never seen her cousin before, just that tiny little picture for her facebook, which I’m not even sure is her. Anyway, Tracy was taking some sort of test and her cousin was administering it. There were these signs above each area, and they were saying “in session”. WTF?

So after they were all done, Frances came over and we were hanging out until Tracy got done with her test and came over with her cousin. She didn’t talk much and I was about to ask why when Frances’ sister came in and started to talk to me…odd, since we’ve never actually talked before. Tracy…did not look like what I’ve seen…I have no idea where my mind got that totally fabricated image of her but, since it told me that was Tracy, I went along with it. Well…Frances’ dad then proposed that we play a game outside. Okay…when we got outside some guy was there and he said that we’re going to hide these—I have no idea what they, actually—national geographic poster things…but the macabre part of it all was that we were going to dig around the lawn until we found the bodies buried there. O_O …..Once we found the bodies, we would put the poster underneath. As usual, I stopped listening after that, since I wasn’t interested, and I just started folding the posters. The point is that they cannot be ripped when we dig them up later. W. T. F

Anyway…that was the working of my subconscious apparently…it’s telling me there are dead bodies hidden underneath Frances’ front lawn <.<

I find that believable, actually XD

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