mercredi 4 juillet 2007

VA, an "inside of my eyelids" adventure

I slept like I was dead. from 8-1 or so, I slept in the car, even through getting breakfast, and stopping at the VA-NC border. Then when I arrived at Jim's house...I found the closest bedroom and crashed there until it was time to leave. He might've possibly poked at me to see if I was dead. Then it was time for our final destination...where I ate dinner and log onto AIM for the first time in a week. *sigh* it's good to be back.

and Kara amuses me so XDD

"I must admit, I have a great fondness for you. In fact, I would even go so far as to say that I love you. A lot."--silly Kara. Did you know Maroon5 used to be called Kara's Flowers?

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