dimanche 29 juillet 2007


The dream started out where Frances was supposed to be undercover spying on this giant spider woman and I was sent to bring her back to our hideout or something. So when I went there, I was talking to her when the spider woman came into the room and Frances hid me behind this door. However, when the spider came in, she started to load all the stuff that she had behind the door….and it was giant bags of candy. <.< wtf?

So then it started piling on me, and fell back to the other side of the door, at which point, she found me out. She thought I was a spy, too, but then I told her that I would clean her house and stuff if she let me live (because that place was messy) and she accepted. So then I began to lay undercover, occasionally visiting Frances in her room upstairs. I forgot what her job was…However, it turns out that the spider we were spying on was working for some evil wizard or something and he was going to take over the world. Ummm...for some reason, his name was Ethan Hawke.

So then we both went to spy on this massive meeting in the assembly room, and there were like hundreds of people dressed in suits and such who were supporters of the plan. After gaining this information, we escaped from the place. So then my dream flashed forward to a department store...only it looked a lot like a mix between home depot and the habitat store that I worked at. It was weird....and I think by that time, the taking over the world had already begun, and Frances and I were part of the resistance. Anyway, I was there with my mom and sister. We were looking around and such, and so I went to look for Frances to talk about the plan. In that store, though, were a ton of people who were really scared of being killed and such, so they're watching what they're saying, and it's kind of similar to what people were doing in Harry Potter books. So I saw Kathleen and my other friends, and they were part of the resistance, too....only Kathleen looked kinda kooky and was wearing this rainbow-colored poncho....wtf?

So then I caught up with my mom once the plan has been confirmed, and they started to call all the resistance to come to this....store...wth? So then I went back to call my mom and told her to take us home. She doesn't know what I'm planning....actually, she doesn't even know about the evil guy trying to kill everyone. So I briefly told her that she has to get out now and that I'll take her to the car. Well....some guy ran up and started to explain the situation....but she doesn't seem to get how grave the situation was getting so she heard what he was saying, but doesn't seem to be phased. Well...we went to check out the stuff we were buying...and they were chess games...boxes of them. The ladies checking us out were older..,and they seemed to be unhappy...but after we paid for the games, they told my mom to check the games. I asked her why my mom had to check the games and she screamed out something along the lines of "Because we were told to check for harmful things and dads have been proved to be failures." WTF. I didn't understand that...but then I leaned in a whisper to her "heh...even if there was any sign of the resistance on those games, my mom wouldn't say..."

So then we went out of the store...and suddenly there were police officers holding off people like Frances and all my friends back behind this controlled area. I knew that they were gonna round us all up...and suddenly the sky started to go dark very quickly. At this point, it's getting weird because that is from another dream I had about two nights before. In that dream, I was in an open field, and we had to run to the wooded area on the other side and make it into the shadows of the woods before it gets darks...and anyone who remains on the field dies. They just...drop dead. I couldn't let my mom and sister stand here with the resistance, so I ran and told Frances that she should stay inside this area and she'll be safe. I said I would be back...and then I told my mom to run and follow me before it gets dark. She took my sister and ran with me. However, as we were nearing the woods...they were separated from me...

I was running around, frantically looking for them...and I kept seeing glimpses of the dark green coat that my mom was wearing...but I didn't see them. Then I didn't know what happened, but someone picked me up and threw me into the woods. Wow...they had to be strong...but yeah...I knew I was alive. Then it got bright again, and I was starting to look for my mom in the woods, in the mass of people that made it. I think I started crying at some point as I was frantically running around. So then I started to run towards the field...and I saw that glimpse of green again...

So I ran like crazy to that huddle of people, and I looked around. I sat down in what seems to be snow at this point...Like...every person lying in the field was covered with a light layer of snow. And it was hard to see because it was snowing rapidly...but I looked down and I saw my sister's face...so then I saw my mom right next to her...I think I started to scream. Although...I think it was half scream and half crying like crazy. So...I felt someone shaking me...and I woke up. Apparently, I was crying and screaming in real life, too...and I was sweating like crazy. My dad asked me, but I just glared at him...and he just went outside my room again.

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