vendredi 20 juillet 2007


So I was working with the habitat restore today...and was bored out of my mind when a customer walked in and started to ask about returning a stove bought there. We told him about the 7-day return policy, and how you can only get store credit if you return it. I mean...that kinda bites, I have to admit. However, he immediately went on meltdown mode...and pointed at the store mission statement sign. "To act out the teachings of God. Ha! right...right..." o_o dude...

So then he started to rant, saying that he's going to tell everyone he knows not to go to this store. Dude...this is like a donation help build homes for people who have no homes...chill. Well, I didn't really express any of this, I just kind of sat there and read Harry Potter II and occasionally looked up at him. So then he looked at me and said "Just how Christian are you?" I closed my book for a minute and said "Well, for your edification, I'm I'm not Christian at all....Just how Christian are you, sir? 0_o" He started to say something about telling people that the place was crap. So I stood up and started to walk away from the register. So in the best monotonic voice I can muster, I simply said, "Excuse me, sir, while I get the store manager."

"Yeah...yeah...go get the store manager for me...damn you community service kids."

It took a lot to not turn around and start yelling obscenities in his face. Honestly, I had this not-so-small urge to turn around and yell at him, throwing NCSSM in his face...but...that would be unnecessary...I won't give way to my obviously hurt pride. So then I walked in, after pausing for a few seconds to recompose myself. Tom then walked out...and I was saved from my internally boiling temper. I sat down at the register again...and continued reading. After getting his refund (a rare occasion for this store) he half-apologized, blamed it on heat. I half-smiled, said it was nothing, and kept on reading. People who use religion as an argument/personal stab irk me....

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