samedi 21 juillet 2007

hehehe....belated celebration

This will be a long one....

First off, I went to the mall today and got my sweater, and two shirts (one a light pink....YES, PINK...and one a green color)

Then I sat in Books-A-Million reading "The Professional Chef" while my sister got something to eat. I read everything up until "Food-borne Illnesses". AWESOME book. If I could, I would die clutching it...and never let it go.

I got a palm reading

"*stares at my hands for a few seconds* WOW...err...are you left-handed or right-handed? (me: right...) Okay...well, YOU have a lot of thoughts going in your head all the time. You're a questioner. Your mind is always questioning everything in your life...'What's my purpose?' 'What did he/she mean by that?' 'Why did this happen?' 'What is the meaning of this and that...etc' You...can't stop thinking about it, because that's your nature. I see a lot of 'smoothing of the rough edges' have been done...*smiles at me* because you used to be impulsive, more outgoing, always acting on your feelings. You also used to be really immature, and very willful. But think about things more, you still base things on your feelings, but you balance it with logic also, that's why you think a lot.'re more reserved and calm; you still want certain things to happen, but you realize that there are boundaries. You've done a lot of growing up lately and question a lot of things in life. Your Heart Line says that you will have many relationships in life, but these tend to be rather rocky because of that questioning nature of yours. You care about people around you, but you're always thinking 'Where is this going?' 'What am I doing here?' (this is when Jared appeared next to me, listening) and 'Why am I in this relationship?' (oh...boy) and that tends to make everything rocky. But you know, they all have to eventually accept that it's your nature, and there's nothing they can do about it. Someone will, and maybe they'll even appreciate it...then it'll all work out with whoever it is. Until then, there'll be a lot of misses. (gee, thanks lady) Your Head Line...there are a lot of things going on there, were really unsure of what you want to be, and...even though there's one line that's clear and long, you're going to have a lot of rocky things before you get there. Even then, your Head Line has all these little lines intertwined with it...*chuckles* let's just say that you won't retire from the same company that you started with. There's going to be a lot of adventures, you'll try a lot of things, and you'll want to do a lot of things. You'll end up doing them, and you'll have fun. Your Life Line is well-defined as well, and there are also a lot of little lines intertwined with it. It's a good line, though, because it's deep and clear and that means you know where you want to go in life. You know what you want, you know how you want it to be, and you really go for it; However, you start out with a lot of questions, and you're undecided. Once you've gotten everything down, it's really nice and set. At the end, though, there'll be a big event in your life that affects a lot of things. Maybe you'll decide to retire and travel, maybe something important happens...I don't know that it is, but I know it's somewhere in the 'life-changing' category. I think you're a really interesting person...and it's good that you think about all those things. Keep thinking about it and good luck. *smiles*"

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