jeudi 12 juillet 2007

I was thinking

Listening to Phantom Of The Opera Soundtrack, I thought about a few things.

Almost every girl in class said they would choose the Phantom over Raoul. Well...she said that she would have chosen the Phantom also...and concluded that this is because 1) The Phantom is more...err....sensual...with his expressions of love and we're all really dirty-minded creatures
2) Women like projects. They like the idea of being with someone who constantly needs work because otherwise, they'd get bored.

Women love broken things...heh...

(Sadly singing)
Paper faces on parade . . .
Hide your face so the world will never find you . . .
(He turns and sees Christine standing at the bedroom door. His look is of immense longing and helplessness) Christine, I love you....

(Looking after her, sadly)
You alone, can make my song take flight
It's over now, the music of the night!


Mrs. Mach (aka the Machinator) was my amazing English teacher

"Life sucks and then you die. Welcome to Honors English II." *slams door*

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